What happens when your school simply can’t locate student performance committee documentation? One school adopted ProgressIQ specifically because of this embarrassing and concerning situation that occurred.
This client has a “three strikes, you’re out” policy for students who are censured by the Student Performance Committee (SPC). Before ProgressIQ, this client relied on paper records, file folders, and a cadre of spreadsheets to keep track of which students had been to the SPC. As she sat in on a supposedly “second strike” SPC meeting, one of the associate deans later told us she was positive that a particular student had been to the SPC twice before in years past. However, at the time of this critical meeting, the SPC could not produce the records to prove this was the third visit and allowed the student to graduate medical school.
Over a year later, when the former student was well into his residency, the client found the records proving the student had been to SPC three times. By their own written policy, the student should not have graduated! This put the school in a significant ethical, legal, and financial dilemma.
The client adopted ProgressIQ, stating:
"We never want this to happen again. With ProgressIQ, the entire academic record, including every score, all evaluations, every visit to the SPC—everything—is in one place. During SPC all members and the student view the record on the same web page. If we had ProgressIQ at the time, we would have immediately dismissed this student—ensuring he did not practice medicine. Our first and foremost duty is to protect the public. When we must dismiss students, the supporting documented evidence must be clear, convincing, and overwhelming. ProgressIQ has greatly reduced the potential for lawsuits. Most importantly, ProgressIQ helps us rest a little easier knowing that we have done our best to protect future patients."